Good to know

Naturally,  you want to know this

School hours

We have two different locations and therefore school hours are different.

Please use the bicycle as much as possible. If you do come by car, park on the side of the Leemkuilen flats. From there you can safely take your child(ren) to school. We ask this because of the parking nuisance experienced by local residents. Thank you.

The temporary classrooms


8.25 – 14.25 uur


8.25 – 14.25 uur


8.25 – 11.55 uur


8.25 – 14.25 uur


8.25 – 14.25 uur

Burgemeester Notermansstraat


8.30 – 14.30 uur


8.30 – 14.30 uur


8.30 – 12.00 uur


8.30 – 14.30 uur


8.30 – 14.30 uur

Onze school hanteert een continurooster. Dat betekent dat alle kinderen tijdens de middagpauze (van 12.00 – 12.30 uur) op school blijven lunchen. Dit gebeurt onder leiding van leerkracht en/of hulpouder.

Whether it's a big or small jump, you need to see this one; I'm jumping out!

Vacations and study days 2024-2025


Zomervakantie 2023-2024

zaterdag 6 juli 2024

until and incl. 

zondag 18 augustus 2024

Eerste schooldag 2024-2025

maandag 19 augustus



Autumn vacation

zaterdag 19 oktober

until and incl.

zondag 27 oktober

Christmas vacation

zaterdag 21 december

until and incl.

zondag 5 januari

Spring vacation

zaterdag 1 maart

until and incl.

zondag 9 maart

Meivakantie (incl. Pasen, Koningsdag en Bevrijdingsdag)

zaterdag 19 april

until and incl. 

maandag 5 mei

Hemelvaart vrij

(inclusief studiedag)

woensdag 28 mei

until and incl. 

vrijdag 1 juni

Whit Monday

maandag 9 juni



Zomervakantie 2024-2025

zaterdag 5 juli

until and incl. 

zondag 17 augustus

Students free at noon

Vrijdag 18 oktober 

Prior to the Christmas vacation

Vrijdag 20 december

Prior to the Christmas vacation

Vrijdag 28 februari

Prior to the Carnaval vacation

Vrijdag 18 april

Prior to the May vacation

Vrijdag 4 juli

Prior to the Summer vacation

Studiedagen, alle leerlingen vrij

Woensdag 18 september

(was donderdag 19 september)

Vrijdag 4 oktober

Vrijdag 6 december

Woensdag 28 mei

(voorafgaand aan Hemelvaart)

Vrijdag 20 juni 

Woensdag 26 februari 2025 (verhuisdagen)

Donderdag 27 februari 2025 (verhuisdagen)


Signing up your child at our school

Signing up pupils for our school can be done throughout the year. To do so, please contact the school. You will be invited for an interview and a tour of the school. Should you decide to apply afterwards, an administration form will be completed.

As soon as we receive the signed administration form, we will send you confirmation of the registration. The confirmation letter will inform you in more detail about the follow-up.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.

Leave form

If you wish to request leave for your child for one or more days download the form with this link .

Please hand in the first sheet printed out at school, the other sheets are for your information. Thank you!

Think green
eat green

What are we eating today? Four litres of carrot soup in two pans divided into ten sums... There is so much to learn, in a fun and tasty way. 

Participation Council


The PC advises, monitors and thinks from the interests of parents and teachers to create and maintain a learning, fun, working and safe place for children and teachers. We do this by:

  • assessing the management's (policy) proposals and make use of our right to advise, consent, inform and initiate.
  • actively communicate with our supporters about important developments affecting education at the Zevensprong.
  • contribute at the local level and in the GPC


Central to this is how we can contribute from the PC to the development of children into independent individuals who can and want to take responsibility for themselves, their environment and society.

Members of the PC

The participation council consists of three parents and three teachers and aims to help shape the policies at the Zevensprong and contribute to their implementation.

On behalf of the parents:  

  • Anke de Fouw
  • Joep Jongen
  • Kim Starink

On behalf of the team:

  • Esther Wouters
  • Manon Bruyninckx – van der Heijden
  • Susanne van Leuken (voorzitter)

Meeting dates PC 2022/2023

Monday 19th of September 2022
Monday 17th of October 2022
Monday 28th of November 2022
Monday 16th of January 2023
Monday 27th of February 2023
Monday 3rd of April 2023
Monday 22nd of May 2023
Monday 3rd of July 2023

Korein childcare

Korein childcare

Kinderen die lekker in hun vel zitten, ontwikkelen zich optimaal. Daaraan bijdragen vinden wij onze belangrijkste taak. Door een warme sfeer te creëren, met volop persoonlijke aandacht.

En minstens zo belangrijk: door uit te gaan van wat kinderen zelf kunnen, hoe klein ze ook zijn. We geven jouw kind de ruimte om het zelf uit te vinden en op eigen wijze op ontdekking te gaan.

Te klauteren en te klimmen, veel buiten te spelen met natuurlijke materialen, waar vies worden mag. Initiatief te nemen. Een keer te vallen en weer op te staan. Samen te lachen. En vooral eens buiten de lijntjes te kleuren. Want wij geloven dat jouw kind daar beter van wordt.

Je ziet ze groeien bij Korein


Childcare 0 to 4 years

We offer daily care from 7:30am-6:30pm in a baby group (0-2 years) and a toddler group (2-4 years). Toddlers can also make use of our toddler work where they explore and play with other toddlers using theme-based activities. In toddler work, children attend 2 x per school week for 2.5 hours in the morning.

Out-of-school care from 4 to 13 years old

From 7:30am to 6:30pm, your child aged 4-13 can visit during school and holiday weeks.
There is pre-school and after-school care. Your child can also participate during holiday weeks and/or study days. 

Look at them
watching the grass grow

Leap by leap, everyone advances at his/her own pace. Also by taking time to watch the grass grow, we grow greener.